하기의 레퍼런스[1-4]로 부터 정리/요약하였음
active ion 에 따라 emission wavelength 는 다음과 같음
Active ion | Emission wavelength [um] |
Ti3+ | 0.611, 0.66-1.18 |
V2+ | 1.05-1.33 |
Cr2+ | 1.88-3.50 |
Cr3+ | 0.680-0.704, 0.740-0.890, 0.86-1.48 |
Cr4+ | 1.167-1.950 |
Mn5+ | 1.168-1.181 |
Fe2+ | 3.53-5.50 |
Co2+ | 1.62-2.5 |
Ni2+ | 1.314-1.939 |
Ce3+ | 0.286-0.326 |
Pr3+ | 0.479-0.489, 0.522-0.578, 0.589-0.622, 0.632-0.662, 0.670, 0.699, 0.709, 0.717-0.754, 0.901-0.940, 0.996-1.022, 1.047-1.070, 1.334-1.347, 1.523, 1.611-1.644, 2.31-2.59, 3.605, 5.117-5.242, 7.24 |
Nd3+ | 0.172, 0.380,, 0.413, 0.730, 0.879-0.947, 0.97, 1.307-1.120, 1.18, 1.306-1.486, 1.833, 5.15 |
Sm2+ | 0.679-0.745 |
Sm3+ | 0.593-0.605 |
Eu2+ | 0.556-0.576 |
Eu3+ | 0.611-0.619 |
Tb3+ | 0.544, 4.9-5.5 |
Dy2+ | 2.359-2.366 |
Dy3+ | 0.572-0.574, 0.663, 0.751, 1.4, 2.432, 2.972-3.040, 4.31-4.38, |
Ho3+ | 0.551, 0.750-0.761, 0.979-1.018, 1.014-1.301, 1.190-1.216, 1.391-1.408, 1.486-1.491, 1.673, 1.933-2.171, 2.35-2.377, 2.83-3.05, 3.369, 3.893-3.914 |
Er3+ | 0.470, 0.544-0.562, 0.681, 0.670, 0.794-0.722, 0.843-0.863, 1.166, 1.22-1.26, 1.529-1.664, 1.645-1.777, 1.68, 1.965-2.003, 2.66-3.01, 3.41, 4.75, |
Tm2+ | 1.116 |
Tm3+ | 0.348, 0.453-0.458, 0.482-0.486, 0.611, 0.650, 0.792-0.799, 0.810, 1.462-1.505, 1.568-1.580, 1.85-2.18, 2.274-2.46 |
Yb3+ | 0.980-1.108 |
U3+ | 2.234-2.827 |
[1] M. Weber, Handbook of Lasers, ser. Laser & Optical Science & Technology. Taylor & Francis, 2000, ISBN: 9780849335099.
[2] A. A. Kaminskii, Laser Crystals: Their Physics and Properties, 2nd ed., ser. Springer Series in Optical Sciences. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1990, vol. 14, ISBN: 978- 3-540-70749-3.
[3] A. Kaminskii, “Laser crystals and ceramics: Recent advances”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 93–177, 2007. DOI: 10.1002/lpor.200710008.
[4] M. F. Churbanov, B. I. Denker, B. I. Galagan, V. V. Koltashev, V. G. Plotnichenko, M. V. Sukhanov, S. E. Sverchkov, and A. P. Velmuzhov, “First demonstration of ∼ 5 ♠m laser action in terbium-doped selenide glass”, Applied Physics B, vol. 126, p. 117, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s00340-020-07473-w